Application and Interest Form

Share your details here and I'll be in touch! You can also have a chat with me if you like - I'm always partial to an IG voicenote if that takes your fancy!

By registering interest you are not under any pressure to sign up.

Here's what you need to know

Happen the Mastermind is a gathering of like minded women.

The focus of Happen is simple: making things happen in your life, using compassionate personal development, with attention paid to the seasonal natural world, outside and in.

You'll be closely supported to keep you moving forward. We'll figure out together the things that need to change in order for you to allow things to unfold and make things happen in your own way, honouring who you are as well as the action taking we need, to see things actually Happen.

As with everything I do, this space is fertility conscious. This means I honour the impact on your life that experiencing a fertility journey either in the past or currently, might have had. Women at all stages of life including fertility, motherhood or not motherhood, are welcomed.

This will be appropriate for you whether you want to focus on personal life; considering a career change or if you have a business.

If you have more questions just pop your details in here and we can chat. No pressure over here!

Copyright Alice Rose 2024. Website lovingly created by Lauren Barber.